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Yacht crew CV
Everyone’s CV is different, and that is a good thing. However, a yachting CV should include some particular information. The most important advice we can give is to keep it brief. We say two pages maximum, if possible. The amount of time that Captain has to look at a CV is minimal, so bear this in mind when structuring your CV.

Write your experience in chronological order from most recent employment to oldest. Make sure your yachting experience (daywork too) is clearly stated on the first page. Include position held, boat names and sizes, and a short summary of your duties on board. Use strong verbs, no repetition, and again, keep it brief!
The Captain will want to get right to the essence of what you have to offer in the area of employment in which you are searching. Any credentials you may have, from a Captain’s license to STCW, should be clearly stated. Include past education but only the highest level completed. It is important to know what diving tickets you may have and what water sports you thrive in. If you have any additional skills relating to what you’re looking for, by all means, add them. Just remember what kind of position you are applying for. If you are flexible and open to more than one job (for instance, a stewardess or a deckhand), you should consider writing two different CVs.

Before you send or upload your CV, make sure you proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. It is pretty ridiculous to boast about having great attention to detail when there are errors on your CV. Believe it or not, this happens all the time. Asking someone in the industry for their opinion is also a great way to get some constructive criticism.